2013年8月14日 星期三



通靈:Multidimensional Ocean
翻譯:Nick Chan
轉載:Nick Chan
Light continues to shine upon your world, dear ones. Your efforts and strong determination help Gaia tremendously. You are role models in many ways for those on your planet who do not feel any connection to Source and to Divine Love. You are acting as wayshowers for many people at the moment and many turn to you for help and advice, and many more will turn to you for guidance in the coming months, as the cabal run matrix implodes on them a little more every single day.


There is no fear to be found in your heart, and this is seen by the many, even if only at an subconscious level. Your being present on the planet at the present time, gives them courage, and joy. You are bringing much light on the surface of your planet, light that many benefit from, as well as Lady Gaia herself, dear ones.


Indeed she needs your support and help perhaps more than ever now and in the near future, as the situation for her deteriorates by the day, under the destructive influence of the cabal. The cabal has never cared for Gaia, has never acknowledged her existence as a sentient being, as they also do not acknowledge animal presence, and indeed your own presence on the planet as being an influential one. The cabal does not care for life, it does not care for justice, and love. The cabal only cares about possessions, and power. We have been negotiating with the cabal emissaries for the release of Gaia from cabal agendas and influence, however, as you know it is very difficult to deal with them.


We are glad to announce that the time that has been allocated to talking and negotiations is about to come to an abrupt end, under the current circumstances. We are indeed currently strongly concerned with the on-going situation in Fukushima, because the consequences for Mother Earth and for life on the planet are already very alarming.  The level of technology to deal with such a dangerous and damaging situation for Mother Earth does not belong with human population of the planet Earth.


Even the cabal does not have the technology to deal with such an on-going disaster to be honest. The cabal does not care for this planet as you know, and they have no plans for repairing the damage that has been done in that area, unfortunately. They are creating havoc and fear across the planet, so that in turn their hands are untied, while the attention is focused on the environment.


The current centre of interest of the cabal at the moment concerns banking as well as covering up the revelations made by private Bradley Manning, Julian Assange and Edward Snowden. These three men have it in their destiny to shed the light on the secret activities of the cabal, and to make them public. They deserve all the support and affection that they can get at the present moment. They have been dealing with huge amount of pressure from the cabal for years, and have accepted to put their own life on hold and at risk for the greater good of the collective.


We foresee that in the coming months, the situation will develop in the favour of the human' collective power for the greater good, for independence and freedom. However, there is still a long way to go, to use an Earth expression. We encourage you to keep faith in the forces of the Divine, in their help, and in asking for personal help and protection as long as you feel the need for it.


There are many angelic guides available to you, by your own request alone. Feel free to appeal upon them, to connect with them, and to feel their continuous love and presence all around you. We encourage you, as usual, to pursue a path towards the spirit within, to join forces with those of you who have much in common, to come together in the physical world and meditate, and share your own spiritual experiences, to open to others and respect and love one another, like the true brothers and sisters that you truly are.


I am SaLuSa from Sirius, and I too am available at a call's notice for any of you. You can all include me in your thoughts, in your prayers and in your world. You will feel a connection with me, should you be sensitive enough for this experience. However, first and most, we encourage you to be in contact with your own divinity, with your own inner God and with your own Light, the light that all of you carry inside of you, to a more or lesser extent .


Thank you, SaLuSa.



Prepare for Change 準備轉變


事件• 幫助在即! •事件支持組驅動准備!事件支持組消息

在妳的區域一起來幫助好的變革. 組成事件支持組. 閱讀以下!

美麗而整體性的變革正在發生在地球上任一角落! 一個新的社會將誕生于充滿真相的光明世界,所有人都被邀請參與。正面感覺的巨大浪湧給全世界範圍的深層偏移以動力。 當人們充滿一種直覺,即知曉真相和人類熱愛變革潛力時,樂觀和喜悅給每個人造就了和平。

互愛和真相的展開千百年來曾經被所有文化的偉大的先知,明智,和神秘主義者們書寫和講述, 它就是  事件 到那時人類將被提升在曾經深深吞噬我們的黑暗與恐懼之上。現在就是先知預言的時候,光明的勝利!

准備變革是在這裏連接所有的人,特別是那些已經體驗到真相光明的人,一起以互愛和平的方式支持一個繁榮的新社會。那些已經體驗到真相光明的人比他們可以從當今任何健在的老師那裏學來的主要插曲知道的更多。妳,已經有了這個知曉,被號召以行動。幫助覺醒者尋找其他光明衆生的存在是我們首要工作,然後可以與他們分享我們獨特的禮物覺知。號召所有知曉真相光明的人! 請他們加入妳們的禅定活動並祈禱在妳們的社區增加和平的能量!以敞開胸懷真誠互愛的方式通過分享妳們特殊的禮物來組織提升每個人的靈魂。每個鄉村,城鎮,城市都需要充滿愛心的領導帶頭以擁抱人類曆史前所未有的變革。

Prepare For Change Video
Posted by Cobra at Aug 2, 2013
眼鏡蛇 2013年8月2日信息

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