2013年8月15日 星期四

【本傑明·富爾福德】 美聯儲正絕望地通過數十億虛假美元的賄賂來維持權力

文章轉載Great Ascension 偉大的揚升

【本傑明·富爾福德】 美聯儲正絕望地通過數十億虛假美元的賄賂來維持權力
The Feds, desperate to keep some power, are on the move with billions of fiat dollars in bribes
Benjamin Fulford, Aug 12, 2013

本傑明·富爾福德 2013年8月12日信息

Despite a request that I not be contacted unless it was urgent, phone calls from Asia and Europe and messages hand delivered to my remote cottage all indicate that some sort of fundamental change has taken place in the global power structure. For example, the Federal Reserve Board Crime syndicate has begun a massive attempt to buy historical Asian bonds offering billions to holders they previously told to buzz off, according to Asian and BIS sources. This is an attempt on their part to keep some sort of power after what they now see as an inevitable sea change in how the planet’s financial system, and thus its true power, is run, according to MI5 sources in direct contact with the Fed bond buyers.


The Feds are now offering billions of dollars for historical bond boxes they used to buy for a few hundred thousands of dollars if they decided not to kill the would-be seller instead. This may be tempting to the holders of these bonds but they need to remember that at the end of the day the Feds will be lucky to emerge from all this with their skins intact.


In any case, the White Dragon Society has suggested to bond holders that there is no need to sell bonds with a face value of trillions of dollars for a fraction of what they are worth. Instead, the WDS will meet with representatives of the Feds, of Asian Secret Societies, of the illuminati and the committee of 300 in the autumn to try to come up with a win-win solution for everybody. In the meantime, it is recommended that people enjoy the rest of their holidays and charge their batteries for what is likely to be a historical fall in more than one sense.


The big geopolitical change that precipitated this sudden Fed change of heart is the move by Putin, the gnostic illuminati and their allies to force the US corporate government to close embassies throughout the Middle East. This has underlined, for all to see, the biggest geopolitical sea change in the West since the fall of the Soviet Union. Western Europe, which is deeply in debt to the rest of the world is now relying on Putin and his allies for energy. That means, in essence, Western Europe and the Middle East are no longer under cabal military control.


The Pentagon, although still in charge of by far the most potent military force on earth, no longer wishes to work for cabal oil interests in the Middle East. Instead, they are concentrating on successfully surfing the big switch in financial power to Asia and to anti-fascist forces in the West.


The background for this is that Asian royal families and other interests are now looking like they will finally get justice after over 100 years of being lied to and manipulated by the families that own the Federal Reserve Board.


In specific financial terms, hundreds of trillions of dollars of bonds issued by the Feds in exchange for Asian gold are likely to be used in a move to bankrupt the Federal Reserve Board. The Neil Keenan lawsuit is part of this effort.


Rather than be declared bankrupt, the families behind the Feds are now trying to buy up as many of these bonds as possible so that even if the Federal Reserve Board goes belly up, they can claim to have trillions of dollars’ worth of these bonds that are suddenly morphing from historical antiques into sources of major power.


A large portion of these bonds, several trillion dollars’ worth, have been pledged to the WDS banner. In addition, gold holders and military forces are lining themselves up to WDS goals. These are to start a massive project to end poverty, stop environmental destruction and set humanity on a path of exponential expansion into the universe. Compare this to cabal goals of a never ending fake, “war on terror” or a fraudulent global warming con job. The top leadership of the cabal was simply hoping to keep in power indefinitely by killing 5 billion people and enslaving the rest. This is extremely well documented.


In such circumstances it is a good idea to step back and look at the big picture. Global GDP, including offshore financial centers, is less than $100 trillion. Suddenly dumping tens or hundreds of trillions of dollars into the world economy will cause vast changes of the sort anybody could see.


If the money is just handed out like free booze, there would be a huge party followed by a huge hang over. At the end of the day, the same old gangsters would still be in charge.


However, just putting a trillion dollars a year into development projects would mean spending 20 times more than the World Bank, the cabal controlled world order’s largest development institution. That alone would be enough to end poverty.


On a deeper level, we need to realize that current so-called global institutions like the IMF, the World Bank, the United Nations, the World Court etc. have been run, in secret, by the families behind the Federal Reserve Board. The 20th century was largely their creation. They brought us two world wars, a cold war, terrorism, constant small wars and the accumulation of all of the world’s wealth and power into a tiny in-bred mafia clan. During that same century they have failed to end extreme poverty even as they presided over the extinction of 30% of all of the world’s species. That is the largest extinction event since the dinosaurs were wiped out.


What has happened, in a nutshell, is that the people who control the world’s military power have decided that the people they worked for, the ones who controlled the magical Fed private bank money printing press, needed to be replaced.


The big delay so far has not been any love for the people in charge but rather disagreement over what will happen next. Those disagreements are now ending. There are still no firm dates for when the big, visible changes will happen but they will happen.


There is still a lot that cannot be written about yet but rest assured the good guys are winning and the fascist coup d’etat seen in the West after 911 has ended in failure. Enjoy your summer holidays.



傳自 外匯職業作手


Prepare for Change 準備轉變


事件• 幫助在即! •事件支持組驅動准備!事件支持組消息

在妳的區域一起來幫助好的變革. 組成事件支持組. 閱讀以下!

美麗而整體性的變革正在發生在地球上任一角落! 一個新的社會將誕生于充滿真相的光明世界,所有人都被邀請參與。正面感覺的巨大浪湧給全世界範圍的深層偏移以動力。 當人們充滿一種直覺,即知曉真相和人類熱愛變革潛力時,樂觀和喜悅給每個人造就了和平。

互愛和真相的展開千百年來曾經被所有文化的偉大的先知,明智,和神秘主義者們書寫和講述, 它就是  事件 到那時人類將被提升在曾經深深吞噬我們的黑暗與恐懼之上。現在就是先知預言的時候,光明的勝利!

准備變革是在這裏連接所有的人,特別是那些已經體驗到真相光明的人,一起以互愛和平的方式支持一個繁榮的新社會。那些已經體驗到真相光明的人比他們可以從當今任何健在的老師那裏學來的主要插曲知道的更多。妳,已經有了這個知曉,被號召以行動。幫助覺醒者尋找其他光明衆生的存在是我們首要工作,然後可以與他們分享我們獨特的禮物覺知。號召所有知曉真相光明的人! 請他們加入妳們的禅定活動並祈禱在妳們的社區增加和平的能量!以敞開胸懷真誠互愛的方式通過分享妳們特殊的禮物來組織提升每個人的靈魂。每個鄉村,城鎮,城市都需要充滿愛心的領導帶頭以擁抱人類曆史前所未有的變革。

Prepare For Change Video
Posted by Cobra at Aug 2, 2013
眼鏡蛇 2013年8月2日信息

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