2013年8月18日 星期日

聖哲曼 20130818 揚升將要發生

通靈:Aruna Byers
翻譯:Nick Chan
轉載:Nick Chan 世界工作者

When the directors of human affairs completely drain God's creation of its ability to nurture life, we will all be stepping into a new dream. It will not be a material dream, but a "next world" one.


Next world, you ask? Yes, a world where I Am That I Am brings forth new and different mastery challenges now that the "control vs. caring" dramas are drawing to a close. The dreamers are no longer capable of continuing their lives with them. As this dream dissolves in its own dramatic way, will the Masters of the Great White Brotherhood do anything? Yes, we will ask all who can accept our call to go out of their domiciles and ascend.


I've not mentioned ascension as a goal on this blog, because we don't consider it to be one. It is the next level of Mastery, not a new dream or a continuation of this one. As long as you consider any dream to be reality you are not yet a Master, just a dreamer of one drama after another. Masters are not dreamers—as they know what is real and what is not.


Slowly but surely the doorway to heaven has been opening. Those who complete their awakening and are no longer dreaming will leave this dream full of happiness. Divine grace will lead them to the 5th, or a higher dimension. There will not be another collective attempt at a mass ascension, but to the ones still identified with the drama, still unable to accept ascension, those ascending will seem to disappear.


My dear ones, your world will become more difficult. No one can add enough caring to today's dross to completely reverse its condition. One consciousness created this dross; it was not the controllers and beings of light appearing to oppose one another. I AM THAT I AM composed the entire script for your ability to love, to gain strength of its own accord. When dross appeared there was a choice made to either clear it with love, or not. In many control driven actions the choice to go away from dross was available, but dross was chosen instead. Corporate greed has become the controller of all dramas, and caring about the choices of dreamers has come to an end.


Can another choice be made now? Not by the ones in control, they don't care—only by those who care and can accept God as the ONE choice that ever was theirs to make. Can this choice do anything to alter the ascension call ? Yes, all called can answer with an action that declares their mastery.


Controllers may appear to have destroyed the world, but in truth, their role in the big picture has always been to lead more masters to ascension. Are you a master? If you are not sure, go to an awakened teacher to complete your ascension qualifications NOW. When the dross is too dense to clear, nothing but ascension can be next. Get ready. This has to happen as a consequence of God's choice and the choice of all who go as God.


I Am That I Am


Ascended Master Saint Germain


大天使拉斐爾20130817 改變終於變得明顯了
大天使麥克20130817 訪問5D(簡譯)


Prepare for Change 準備轉變


事件• 幫助在即! •事件支持組驅動准備!事件支持組消息

在妳的區域一起來幫助好的變革. 組成事件支持組. 閱讀以下!

美麗而整體性的變革正在發生在地球上任一角落! 一個新的社會將誕生于充滿真相的光明世界,所有人都被邀請參與。正面感覺的巨大浪湧給全世界範圍的深層偏移以動力。 當人們充滿一種直覺,即知曉真相和人類熱愛變革潛力時,樂觀和喜悅給每個人造就了和平。

互愛和真相的展開千百年來曾經被所有文化的偉大的先知,明智,和神秘主義者們書寫和講述, 它就是  事件 到那時人類將被提升在曾經深深吞噬我們的黑暗與恐懼之上。現在就是先知預言的時候,光明的勝利!

准備變革是在這裏連接所有的人,特別是那些已經體驗到真相光明的人,一起以互愛和平的方式支持一個繁榮的新社會。那些已經體驗到真相光明的人比他們可以從當今任何健在的老師那裏學來的主要插曲知道的更多。妳,已經有了這個知曉,被號召以行動。幫助覺醒者尋找其他光明衆生的存在是我們首要工作,然後可以與他們分享我們獨特的禮物覺知。號召所有知曉真相光明的人! 請他們加入妳們的禅定活動並祈禱在妳們的社區增加和平的能量!以敞開胸懷真誠互愛的方式通過分享妳們特殊的禮物來組織提升每個人的靈魂。每個鄉村,城鎮,城市都需要充滿愛心的領導帶頭以擁抱人類曆史前所未有的變革。

Prepare For Change Video
Posted by Cobra at Aug 2, 2013
眼鏡蛇 2013年8月2日信息

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